The following is a compilation of frequently asked questions. See the contact information at the bottom of this page if you have further questions or concerns.
1. If I am an agency or recruiting firm and I would like to create an account and post a job on behalf of my client, what should I do?
Yes, you do have the ability to create an account and post jobs on behalf of your client. However, to avoid creating multiple accounts for the same client please contact our customer service staff and we'll be happy to assist you.
2. What do I do if I try to create an account that already exists?
Please contact our customer service staff and we'll be happy to assist you. Please do not try to re-type the account by using a variation of the company name as this can create duplicate accounts and we want to ensure that your job postings are associated with the correct account(s).
3. What do I do if I receive a log-in error message?
Double check the email you used to create your account is correct. The log-in is case sensitive. If you used a capital letter in your email to create your account, then try to log in using a lower case, you will receive an error message.
4. What do I do if I forgot my login and password?
You can click on the "Forgotten password?" link on the Log-In page and our system will send you an automated email with a link included where you'll be able to easily change your password. If you are still having trouble accessing your account please contact our customer service staff. Please do not try to create a new account as we try to avoid duplicate accounts in our system. If you enter the incorrect login and password too many times, the system may automatically lock you out and you may not be able to log in. If this happens please contact our staff and we'll be happy to assist you.
5. How do I place a recruitment ad on the Career Center website?
To place an ad on the website, go to the upper right hand corner where it says employers and click register. Then, create an account and post job listings. Once you have logged in to your account, click "Post a new job" or click the tab at the top of the page labeled "Job posting" and follow the steps to complete your posting.
6. How is payment for an ad handled?
To purchase an ad that runs on the Career Center website only, you may use a Visa, MasterCard or American Express credit card or you can pay via your PayPal Account.
7. How do I cancel an ad?
To cancel an ad that you placed online, log in to your account, and click "Manage Jobs." Then choose the job listing you wish to cancel, click "Action," and choose "Archive" from the menu. There are no refunds given for job listings that are cancelled after posting and before the posting period expires.
Alternately, job ads can be taken off the website with 48 hour notice when requested through your sales representative. Note: all verbal cancellations must be followed by a written confirmation. For banner ad campaigns, cancellations must be received in writing 30 days before web run date. Please call your Advertising Representative to confirm receipt of cancellation.
8. How long do positions remain posted?
Online only advertisements are posted for 30 days, beginning with the start date that you specify.
9. Can I post an online job with multiple specialties and states?
All online job postings are limited to one specialty and one state (or Canada and International). If you are interested in posting a multi-specialty ad please contact our Job Board Advertising Sales Department at 1-844-864-7355.
10. Do you offer discounts for multiple job postings?
If you are interested in purchasing bulk job postings please contact our Job Board Advertising Sales Department at 1-844-864-7355.
11. Can I edit a current online job posting?
Log in to your account, and click “Manage Jobs”. Then choose the job listing you wish to edit, click Action, and choose Edit from the menu. There are a limited number of fields that you can edit once a job posting is live. Contact your sales representative if you are not able to make your necessary changes once your job is live.
12. How can I edit my employer profile?
Log in to your recruiter account that has recruiter administrator privileges and click “Company & Users.” In the “Company Information” section, click “Edit Company Details.”
13. How can I add another user to my account?
Log in to your recruiter account that has recruiter administrator privileges and click “Company & Users.” In the “Users” section, click “Create New User,” and specify the name and privileges for the new user.
14. How can I remove a user from our company account?
Log in to your recruiter account that has recruiter administrator privileges and click “Company & Users.” In the “Users” section, select the name of the user you wish to remove. Click “Expire This User.”
15. As a recruiter or employer, how can I use the CV Search Database?
Searches of job seeker profiles are available to any recruiter or employer that has created an account on our website, regardless of whether they have an active print or online-only advertisement. However, the information shown in the public profiles is limited and includes no contact information. You can download profiles with full contact information by using Candidate Profile credits, which are included with the purchase of job postings. If you have not purchased a job posting, Candidate Profile credits can be purchased separately. Please note that uploading a CV or resume to a profile is optional, and not all profiles will contain a CV or resume. Contact an advertising representative for more information about CV download credits. There are no refunds given for resume packages once resume access has been given.
16. When do candidate profile download credits expire?
Profile download credits are valid for the duration in which your job posting is live. Profile download credits purchased independently of a job posting are valid for 30 days. Credits can not be rolled over or extended.
17. Do ads require approval?
All advertisements are subject to approval, we reserve the right to reject or cancel any advertisement at any time. Approvals may take up to seven days. Advertisements that link users to other websites cannot prevent a user from easily returning to the Career Center site.
Contact Us.
You may contact our customer service team at:
Email: rpnaontario@jobboardadvertising.ca
Phone: 1.844.864.7355